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WRRA Constitution and Bylaws


Article I

The name of this Association shall be the White River Recreation Association.

Article II

The purpose of this Association shall be to promote and protect the recreational interests of the White River area; do any and all things lawful, just, and necessary to better the interests of the members of this Association; to secure equitable and just legislation and regulations; and to work in cooperation with the Forest Service in the protection and administration of the White River recreation features.

Article III

Any person, firm, or corporation holding a permit for a lot shall become a member of this Association by the payment of dues and assessments ordered by the Association.  Each cabin shall be eligible for at least one membership.  Where cabins are owned jointly by more than one family, an extended family, or other combination of ownership, each additional user beyond the primary owner may become a member upon payment of dues, with a limit of four memberships per cabin.  Upon request, the Executive Board may grant non-voting, associate membership to other interested parties.

Article IV

For the purpose of fair representation in the administration of the affairs of the Association, the cabin tracts shall be divided into five districts or areas. 

Each cabin shall be represented in the area where the cabin is located by lot number as follows:

Silver Springs ----Lots numbered 58 to 66, 77 to 82, 106, 111 to 132, 135 to 162.

Silver Creek ---- Lots numbered 1 to 3, 7 to 9, 22 to 31, 38, 45, 52, 70, 103 to 105.

Goat Creek ---- Lots numbered 4 to 6, 10A, 10B, 11 to 21, 32 to 35, 39 to 44, 83 to 85, 87 to 96, 98 to 100.

Deep Creek ---- Lots numbered 1, 3 to 23

The Dalles ---- Lots numbered 4 to 16, 20 to 37.

Article V

The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  The officers, together with the immediate past president, representatives from each of the areas named in Article IV, and appointed committee chairpersons, shall be elected as set forth in the By-Laws of the Association.  It shall be the duty of the area representatives and committee chairpersons to ascertain the problems of their respective areas or committees and present such problems to the Executive Board for its consideration.

Article VI

The duties of the respective officers shall be those usually incident to such officers, or as set forth in the By-Laws.  The general business of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Board when the Association is not in session, provided that no action contrary to the Constitution or By-Laws of the Association or of general interest to all members shall be adopted by the Executive Board without submission to a vote of the membership.  To more thoroughly study issues as they arise, the Executive Board may occasionally wish to form subcommittees.  The subcommittee chairperson shall be appointed by the Executive Board and shall be a nonvoting member of the Executive Board for the duration of said committee.

Article VII

Members in good standing and present at any regularly scheduled meeting will form a quorum for the transaction of business.  Each paid up membership shall qualify the owner/s of the membership to one (1) vote.

Article VIII

The Executive Board shall constitute an advisory board to work in cooperation with the officers of the Forest Service in all matters relating to the use of the National Forest.  An agreement upon the part of the Executive Board will be binding upon the Association as a whole and each member thereof.

Article IX

Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of this Association may be made at any regular meeting upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present.

Article X

If the Association is dissolved, the Officers, after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of the Association, shall adopt a plan for the disposition of the remaining assets of the Association in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington.  Said assets are to be used exclusively for purposes consistent with the purposes of this Association.


Article I

The annual meeting of this Association shall be held during the months of October or November at a time and place designated by the Executive Board.  Special meetings of the Association shall be called by the President when he/she deems it necessary, or when requested by two or more members of the Executive Board and shall be held at such time and place as designated by the Executive Board.  Notice of the annual meeting and any special meetings shall be mailed to all members and to the proper Forest Service officials at least 15 days before the time such meetings are to be held.

Regular Executive Board meetings shall be held quarterly at a time and place designated by the President.

Article II

It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings; to present a report at the annual meeting; to have general supervision of the work of the Association; and to direct the work of the other officers.  He/she shall be required to call any special meeting of the Executive Board as he/she deems necessary, or upon the written request of two or more members of the Executive Board.

Article III

The Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President in his/her absence or inability to act and it shall be the duty of the Vice President to organize the annual summer picnic.

Article IV

It shall be the duty of the Secretary to conduct the correspondence of the Association and to record the minutes of the Executive Board meetings and meetings of the members.  He/she shall be responsible for the production and distribution of quarterly newsletters, bi-yearly members’ directories, the content of the WRRA website, and keeping the members’ roster up to date on a quarterly basis.  A Webmaster shall be appointed, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.  The Webmaster shall direct the technical aspects of the website. He/she shall report to the Secretary and to the Executive Board.  The Secretary shall receive up to $500 per year as compensation. (Revised 11/03/2007)

Article V

It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep all financial records and general accounts; to receive all dues and assessments ordered by the Association; and to pay all bills directed by the Executive Board.  He/she shall report to the Association at its Annual Meeting in writing, giving an account of the transactions, amounts received and disbursed, to and from whom, and for what purpose.  Donations for special purposes shall be presented to the Executive Board for acceptance.  His/her books shall be open for inspection by any member of the Association or the District Ranger by appointment at any time.

Article VI

The purpose of the WRRA website is to maintain timely and effective communications via the internet with the membership on Association matters and concerns in accordance with the mission of WRRA as stated in Article II of the WRRA Constitution.  It will be the policy of the Association to respect the privacy of its membership and to not intentionally divulge personal information of its members to outside parties. (Inserted 11/03/07)

Article VII

The Executive Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee of five members at the spring meeting of the Association, one from each of the five areas named in Article IV of the Constitution.  The Nominating Committee shall present, in a newsletter prior to the fall meeting, the names of those members it recommends to fill the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and area representatives as described below.

Officers and Area Representatives shall be elected at the fall meeting as follows: The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected for terms of two years.  The President and Vice President shall be elected in even numbered years, the Secretary and Treasurer in odd numbered years.

The representatives from the areas named in Article IV of the Constitution shall be elected for terms of two years.  One Silver Springs, one Goat Creek and one Deep Creek representatives shall be elected in even numbered years.  One Silver Springs, one Goat Creek, the Silver Creek and the Dalles representative shall be elected in odd numbered years.  Each area shall elect its own representative with each paid up membership having one vote.  One person so elected shall represent each forty (40) cabins or a fraction thereof: (Revised November, 2008)

· Two representatives from Silver Springs

· One representative from Silver Creek

· Two representatives from Goat Creek

· One representative from Deep Creek

· One representative from The Dalles

The Executive Board shall have the power to appoint any member of the Association to fill the unexpired term of any officer or representative.


Article VIII

The Executive Board shall have general charge of the work of the Association and shall act for the Association as an advisory board in cooperation with the officers of the National Forest.

Meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President or by the District Ranger by mailing a written notice to the last recorded address of each member of the Executive Board not less than 15 days prior to the date of such meeting.

Article IX

All dues and assessments authorized by the members of the Association are payable on the order of the Executive Board, and any member more than twelve (12) months in arrears shall not be entitled to the benefits and privileges of this Association until all such dues and assessments are paid.

Article X

The District Ranger shall be furnished with copies of all minutes of the meetings of this Association and shall be informed of any action taken by the Executive Board on matters affecting the National Forest administration.  He/she shall also be furnished with the names of all officers and of members of the Executive Board as they are elected or appointed.  Notice shall be sent to the District Ranger before each meeting, stating the principal business to be transacted at that meeting, so that he/she or a representative may be present.

This edition dated October 2010

History of changes

Constitution amended November 1989

Article III revised  November 1995

Article V revised November 1998

Article IX revised  May 2001

Article X adopted October 2004By-laws revised November 1989

Articles IV & V replaced; Article VI (old Article V)  revised; and Articles VII, VIII and IX renumbered November 1998

Bylaws Article IV and VI revised 11/2007 to incorporate Webmaster/Website

Bylaws Article VII, paragraph 3 revised 11/2008 to stagger terms of Goat Creek and Silver Springs Representatives

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