WRRA acts as an advisory body to the Forest Service in the administration of
all recreational features and is the official representative of the "summer
home" owners. Originally founded at the request of the Forest Service
in 1929, membership today is both encouraged and supported by this
interested agency. With approximately 250 members, WRRA is one
of the oldest and largest organizations of its kind in America.
The White River Recreation Association is affiliated with National Forest
Homeowners (NFH) , the only national organization totally dedicated to
the preservation of the Recreation Residence Program in the national forests.
WRRA encourages its members to join NFH and support its goals.
The purpose of WRRA is to promote and protect recreational interests along the Mather Memorial Parkway and throughout the Upper White River Valley; to do any and all things lawful, just and necessary to better the interests of the members of the Association; to secure equitable legislation; and to cooperate with the Forest Service in the protection and administration of all recreational features.
Elected officers and representatives from the Silver Springs, Silver Creek, Goat Creek, Deep Creek, and The Dalles tracts comprise the Executive Board, which meets as often as necessary to conduct the business of the organization. The entire membership of the Association meets at semi-annual dinners to take care of such matters as cannot be disposed of by the Executive Board. Special guest speakers often attend to address timely concerns.
WRRA newsletters are printed four times a year to keep members further informed regarding all matters of interest. In 1988 the Association published the History of the White River Summer Homes. Every two or three years the WRRA Residence Directory is updated and distributed to members. WRRA offers a $1000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone unlawfully entering or causing damage to cabin property. On the social side, the annual old fashioned summer picnic is an event looked forward to throughout the year.
Annual dues of $50 are payable by March 15 each year and should be addressed to the Treasurer along with the accompanying membership form.
Should you be interested in any further information regarding the WRRA, please contact an officer or area representative via the Contact page.